Though Cross was tough, he was a certified martial arts instructor. Once, while serving time for fighting and fleeing an officer, Cross broke out of jail, entered his bike in a bike show, won, and broke back into jail before anyone discovered he was missing. He never let anything as minor as a little jail time stop his fun. This was a rough time, but it was also the height of the free-love hippie era, and as a young man, Cross enjoyed himself to the fullest. The fighting became so intense that the Jokers posted snipers atop their clubhouse. Brendan Robinson AN ACRE NAMED SUE Brendan Robinson 29 Joanne Robson BLACK ICE Ian Jolley 30. He started a San Jose chapter of the Jokers and embarked on the most action-packed years of his life-the Jokers were in the midst of a shooting war with the Hells Angels. Jeremy storrier 5 Belinda Cone MARES FOREST ‘CHISEL’ WAVE Belinda Cone 6.
petroleum industry called All Hell For a Basement (Monday 27 December 1965. In the early 1960s, a young Navy vet, motorcyclist?and rebel named Phil Cross joined a motorcycle club called the Gypsy Jokers. Millers All My Sons, Patrick Hamiltons Angel Street, the Coventry Miracle.
This chronicle of the life and wild times of Phil Cross explores his time as an outlaw biker fights, jail, police chases, and that?s just the start.
Read Online and Download Phil Cross: Gypsy Joker to a Hells Angel. Phil Cross: Gypsy Joker to a Hells Angel BY Phil Cross